Stars in the Darkness
Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.
Philippians 2:15-16
Light pollution is a real thing. Scientists claim that excessive amounts of artificial light contribute to the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere, upset natural patterns with wildlife, disrupt human sleep, and obscure the stars in the night sky. In the nearly 45 years I’ve lived in Orange County, California, I’ve seen the stars disappear.
The amazing thing is that if you drive just two hours east of my house, you are in the California desert and the night sky completely comes to life. And if you are really craving some pitch-black skies, there are now Dark Sky sites across the nation. Joshua Tree National Park is a designated Dark Sky park, and folks who have grown up in the Southland come to see the Milky Way for the first time.
God’s men need to be alive, active, and alert in the world. That means not looking away from tragedy; facing our inner darkness as well as the dark things in the world. Because it’s not just about our healing. That’s just the start. The reason He wants us healed is so we can be helpful to others who need His touch. When we find new life in Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit, it’s the equivalent of being gifted with a high-powered telescope that allows us to see deeply into the darkness for the light. Suddenly we are able to punch through the artificial light pollution of the world’s distractions and deceptions and see into the things God wants us to see. Mysterious? Yes.
Peering into the darkness of the world is a calling, not a hobby that we can do when we feel like it. God has placed you in a Dark Sky world so you can see deeply, feel deeply, and then activate. He’s removed the blinders from your eyes so you can see all the stars in the night sky—all the people around you who need help and healing. In fact, without experiencing darkness we would not be able to see the pain in others. Don’t walk away from the Dark Sky areas in your life. Instead, as God’s man, we allow Him to reveal the precise needs in the exact people He places in our path at His right time.
Father, thank you for the stars on a clear dark night. May they remind me of those looking for your light in the darkness.