Bigger and Better
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. ––1 Peter 2:9
As I write, it’s the 80-year anniversary of D-Day, commemorating the world’s largest-ever amphibious invasion. It was on the beaches of Normandy that the tide of World War 2 turned in favor of the Allies against the Nazis. With each passing year we lose more WW2 veterans—it’s estimated that only a few thousand still survive. When we think of these men and women, we think of heroism, courage, and strength. We think of our great-grandfathers, grandfathers, and for some of you, your own dads.
When I watch films like Saving Private Ryan or The Longest Day, it makes me yearn to be a part of something bigger than myself. For those of you who have served in the armed forces, you get this. I write about the masculine self’s longing for a battle to win (a “greater purpose”), in my Dangerous Good trilogy of books. We have this yearning or longing for “more” not just because we are fallen creatures with human appetites (food, sex, power, etc.). That’s where Satan wants you to stop your thought process. But that’s just a distraction.
In truth, that desire to do and be more is wired into us by the Creator. Think of the men who said “yes” in the Bible. Abraham was old and childless when God told him his descendants would be as numerous as the stars. Joseph was staring up from the bottom of a pit when God plucked him out and placed him in a position of power in Pharaoh’s court. David chose three small stones, the sound of which echoed across a kingdom and secured him a crown. Paul was a murderous zealot who went on to write one third of the New Testament.
Get alone with God and ask Him what your purpose is. We all have one. Mine is to help men along the road to Christ transformation. You know why you shouldn’t underestimate yourself, no matter your age, or how many failures you’ve experienced? Because God’s purpose for you is a Kingdom assignment that transcends your humanity. So—and how can I put this nicely?—it’s time to get over yourself! God has big plans for You, if you allow Him to take You and do what He wants.
God’s reason for breathing life into you has only a little to do with your gifts and talents, but a whole lot to do with what He wants to do through you. His plan is bigger than you—that’s just how He works. If it were manageable, it wouldn’t take faith, would it? And if it didn’t take faith, we’d be striving along in our own efforts, rather than trusting His.
Ask the Lord to reveal your purpose. Take it to your closest brothers who know you best; ask them what they think it is. God will be faithful to reveal it.
Father, help me find—or renew—my life’s calling, my purpose for You.