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August 13, 2024 | Daily Devotionals | August 13

Expect Accusation from Within

Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  ––Romans 8:1

A prosecuting attorney asks the witness, “Do you see the person responsible for the crime?” In slow motion the witness points to the defendant and says, “That’s him right over there.”

The attorney then says, “Let the record reflect that the witness has identified Mr. Outta Luck as present at the scene of the crime.” Getting that witness to point the finger may not be conclusive evidence of guilt, but it’s very persuasive. It plants an image in the jury’s mind that they won’t be able to easily dismiss during deliberations. Every chance a prosecuting attorney gets to weaken or discredit the character of the defendant, the better his case gets.

For Satan, taking potshots at the character of God’s man is an art form, hitting below the belt, definitely; whatever it takes to undermine your reputation before God and man. He loves to exaggerate the normal and elevate it to extremes. For example: “I made a mistake” becomes “I always blow it.” “I need to work on that,” becomes, “I’ll never change.” “This is making me feel overwhelmed,” becomes, “Life is falling apart.”

God allows Satan to make these arguments but dismisses them because of the believer’s representation in Christ. We have the best defense attorney in the world, as it says in 1 John 2:1: “But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.” He advocates on our behalf and provides us with complete immunity against any charge.

There is never a reason for self-pity and condemnation. Christians fall and then get up again. Confess and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Our Father has unconditional love for us.  I know that’s a hard one to accept, but you have been given a choice. Make the right one.

Father, I can believe the accuser or the Redeemer; thank You for the choice.

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