In Step with the Holy Spirit
Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. ––Galatians 5:25
The next time you encounter a complex situation, listen to your godly instinct and obey it—quickly. Great decisions do not require great deliberation. For God’s man, great decisions require simple cooperation in the first few seconds. That voice will always say, “Honor God and love people.”
The key to winning moments is the first few seconds. Prompt (versus delayed) obedience is critical. I love the story of the man who was driving behind a Brinks armored truck when he noticed a bag resting on the back bumper. It fell off when the truck took a right at the next street. The man quickly pulled over and retrieved the bag, but by the time he got back into his car, the armored truck was lost in traffic. He immediately drove to the nearest police station and turned in the bag. In it was $85,000. Police officers gathered round the man as an official from the Brink’s company arrived to collect the lost bag and thank the man. She said, “You are a rare breed, sir. Thank you for having the character to turn in the money.” The man said, “It’s because I don’t trust myself that I turned in the money. I knew if I thought about it very long, I probably would not have turned it in.”
The point, of course, is that the longer we mull a character decision or action, the greater chance the enemy has to whisper in our ear and bring the temptation to follow our flesh. But when we obey without listening to conflicting feelings, we are trusting God. Another example: when you see your children facing danger that they don’t see (such as when your child is ready to touch a hot stove), the quickest way to warn them is to call their name. I expect them to listen to my voice over their feelings about continuing their own way, because there is a trust there; there is time for explanation later.
God’s men risk committing themselves to quick responses to God’s voice, instead of flesh-driven impulses. He builds his life around God’s voice, and by so doing, will experience a less stressful and complicated life. Extra information is unnecessary because godly instincts are in charge. Instead of making messes, he discerns without over-thinking, and avoids finding a way around something that God actually wants him to face. It is always character that will provide long-term pleasure. Pleasure will not develop character. Listen to God’s voice and act promptly to obey.
Father, You are the only complete and lasting pleasure; I will trust You.