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August 8, 2024 | Daily Devotionals | August 8


Jesus wept. Then the Jews said, “See how he loved him!”  ––John 11:35-36

That’s what made Jesus the man, Jesus—His love and His compassion. And it’s what makes God’s man, God’s man. And in the process of seeing a need and responding in the character of Christ, God’s man can send a message more powerful than any deed, and one that towers over lesser accomplishments. Compassion becomes its own law, delivering with overpowering strength from a higher authority, from a signature God. 

The messages of Jesus were loud and clear. He possessed the freedom to touch the untouchable, which came from an identity free of the opinions of man, free of the compulsions of culture, and free of the pressures of politics. This is what we study, observe, and mimic. When you actively practice compassion, it lets the world know you are free to be God’s man. You act for an audience of One. This is a rare thing. It is attractive. It is Christ-like. 

Here’s our textbook play: “When Jesus came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” (Matthew 8:1-3) Jesus saw the man, His heart responded, and His identity in the Father released Him to reach out, not cop out to politics of what was clean or unclean.

God’s dream for you is that you would be equally strong and secure in Him so that the compassion of Christ can flow freely to the ones who need your touch. Compassion established Jesus as a God pleaser versus a man pleaser. Our freedom and willingness to touch is always a reflection of our identity.

The compassionate responses of Christ are not possible without our willingness to visually and emotionally connect with reality. In stark contrast to most of the spiritual leaders of His time, Jesus’ visual awareness of need caused Him to respond with compassion, versus allowing His rational mind to excuse Him from action. We see, our heart is moved, and we act. That’s compassion in the Jesus style.

Father, You have made my heart tender because of Your compassion. Thank You.

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