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December 8, 2024 | Daily Devotionals | December 8

Satan Knows Who You Are

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. 

––John 16:13

Satan knows who you are; you need to get that. Then, as every God’s man must do on a more consistent basis, we need to accept what that means. What’s that, you say? Simple: You cannot ask for a hall pass to get out of this fight. You must also stop living in ignorance and denial. Instead, you need to understand and get to know Satan’s ways. You are an asset on assignment to neutralize evil wherever it rears its insidious head. You are to be feared by the enemy, not laughed at.

Once we come to this realization, we become more deeply convicted and committed to stimulating more intelligent and intentional kingdom warfare. As a result of this we will experience troubles of another kind. Devilishly bizarre dreams possibly, personal attacks, marital roadside bombs, harassing thoughts, family traumas, conflicts with church members, a double root canal, and a tsunami of satanic diversions are just a sampling of the mortar and artillery rounds that will be lobbed our way.

While some of these are just natural events, the negative emotions that come with them are what the devil loves to cultivate and exploit in a believer. Every excuse to discourage me, Satan will take. He doesn’t play fair and he is the king of low blows. He waits to kick a man in the teeth when he’s down.

Magnify emotions to create insecurities, heighten fears, and defeat us without a bullet being shot is the thing Satan is best at. He must rely on playing mind games––a sign of insecurity and no real power. Nonetheless, he’s allowed to mess with us.

Your experience may not be the same, but you can be sure, when you fight against the powers of evil, evil will fight back. Remember, God has promised us a superior tool to all of Satan’s attacks: the Atomic Bomb, the Holy Spirit within you. He is here, within you, to guide and protect you.

Father, thank You that I cannot lose with You.

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