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Greetings Man of God!God’s Man Rises When Others Don’t “But those who trust in the Lord will mount up with wings like eagles,” (Isaiah 40:31). That promise was directed at God’s people as they faced dynamic change and challenge they could have never predicted in their wildest dreams. In the midst of disillusioning and uncertain events, all men must battle within themselves for the right focus that will produce the right strength and results for them while troubling circumstances remain unresolved. Ever been there? There right now? Know a friend who is being challenged like never before? WELL THEN…help them by sharing with him or your men’s group this week’s featured session for men’s groups called UNBROKEN. He will learn to rise in the midst of NOT in the absence pain and struggle. THAT’S POWER! –Kenny Luck TODAY’S CHALLENGE: SHARE “I Hate It But I Love It” VIDEO WITH A FRIEND AND SHOW UP! Click HERE
1. Unbroken
Men spend a lot of energy avoiding pain and suffering only to discover that life remains largely outside of their control and unpredictable. Pain and suffering never ask permission to enter a life, most of the time a wave slams into us unannounced. Strangely, our seasons of adversity and how we respond to them define us as men. They do not leave us the same way they found us either for better or for worse. More importantly, they reveal what’s really inside of a man emotionally, morally, spiritually, and psychologically. In this series, men’s expert and pastor Kenny Luck journeys into the flames of adversity in order to forge new victories for men and those close to them. Watch this session and learn what it means to bend but not break when life attacks. To watch this video for FREE OR SHARE IT WITH A FRIEND click HERE 2. Repelling An Attack – The Fantasy Island Series II
Let’s dive right back into Luke 4:1-11. Here’s Jesus in the garden. I want to read through verse 11. “Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit returned from the River Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert where for 40 days, He was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end, He was hungry.” So there’s a physical pressure: “The devil said to Him, if you’re the Son of God, tell the stone to become bread.” Jesus answered: “It is written that man does not live by bread alone.” There’s the first temptation. Indulge in the flesh. 3. God Wants You As A Son – The Uprising Series II
Let’s go get God’s mind on this topic we are calling uprising. If you have a Bible, I want you to turn to Jeremiah 3:19, and then we are going to go through Jeremiah 4:4. It’s the heart of God’s Word towards men. We are going to see a decision by men when it comes to son-ship. We are also going to see the consequences of that choice. We are going to see that there is a chance for a second decision to be made. 4. In case you missed them….
I am praying for you each week during the month. Next month, I’m going to ask for your help with a few things. Again, take courage and live as God’s man, flaws and all. Don’t let your struggles keep you from doing good. Come to the site and share your comments and thoughts, and encourage others! Until next week…
Kenny Luck
Kenny Luck is the founder of Every Man Ministries and the men’s pastor at Saddleback Church. His 20th book – SLEEPING GIANT: No Movement of God without Men of God – is the proven blueprint for men’s ministries, and was recently released through B&H Publishing. Leadership kits and church resources published by LifeWay. Watch and read more of Kenny’s teaching here at EveryManMinistries.com.
April 2013 Volume 3
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