Small Choices, Big Ripples
Fight or flight?
When faced with an imminent threat your body releases adrenaline, your heart rate picks up, your brain activity skyrockets, your muscles tense, and all your senses are on “go.”
Fight or flight?
The conversation turns volcanic. You didn’t mean that comeback to sound so visceral but you just verbally napalmed the other guy in front of his buddies. He’d been pushing you around the court all game and, after his latest hack-attach under the basket, you just let him know in very colorful language how you feel. He’s dropping the ball and walking straight over to you.
Fight or flight?
You are not getting through to her. She’s dug in. You’re dug in. There’s been the usual “you always” statements and “if only you would just” clichés but now you are way beyond jabbing – low blows are being thrown. Your face is getting redder by the second, your voice is getting louder, and you are pulling out the heavy armor piercing bullets. Mentally you are loading a new magazine of firepower that will surely cut through the emotional metal of your sweet bride – eventually killing the argument and any chance at intimacy.
Fight or flight?
She’s cute. Really cute. You have no business returning her eye flutters with a smile but you did. “What in the world are you doing?” says the voice inside. Images of your wedding, your wife and your kids flash across your brain. You just noticed that you are hiding your wedding band beneath the table on purpose and feel very conflicted right now. “You’re on a business trip – alone,” says the dark side. “No one has to know and people do this all the time.” While you were battling these thoughts, she has closed the gap from 20 feet to two feet and is standing in front of you! “Buy me a drink?”
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The Art of Motivation
As the words filled the air, Michael couldn’t believe they were coming out of his mouth. The cold jail bars were the only things that separated him from his son.
“Drugs? Are you serious?” Harsh words, hurtful words came billowing out like the black smoke from a diesel engine. Have you ever found yourself in a similar position?
Dealing with a rebellious child or having a serious argument with your spouse? Maybe it’s not drugs, infidelity or anything else equally serious but communicating
with our family and helping them make good decisions is an art. It requires motivation.
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I am praying for you each week during the month. Next month, I’m going to ask for your help with a few things. Again, take courage and live as God’s man, flaws and all. Don’t let your struggles keep you from doing good. Come to the site and share your comments and thoughts, and encourage others! Until next week…
Kenny Luck
Kenny Luck is the founder of Every Man Ministries and the men’s pastor at Saddleback Church. His 20th book – SLEEPING GIANT: No Movement of God without Men of God – is the proven blueprint for men’s ministries, and was recently released through B&H Publishing. Leadership kits and church resources published by LifeWay. Watch and read more of Kenny’s teaching here at
April 2014 Volume 5
Free Men’s Daily Devotionala
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