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May 24, 2013 | Newsletter | Every Man Newsletter May 2013 Volume 1

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Every Man Ministries Newsletter

Greetings Man of God!

God’s Man Loves God’s Word…

“DO NOT let this book of the law depart from your mouth, MEDITATE on it day and night, SO THAT you may be careful to TO DO EVERYTHING in it. Then you will be PROSPEROUS and SUCCESSFUL” Joshua 1:8

Let’s skip to the bottom line about you and your relationship with God: you can’t say that you love God and not love His word (the Bible). In God’s mind it’s the same as saying “I love you” to your girlfriend or wife but if you never spend time with her conversing or interacting the integrity of that assertion can questioned by everyone.

The depth of any relationship reflects the quantity and quality of time spent. So how’s that going? Do you feel like your relationship with God is existing on yesterday’s experiences and conversations? Time for a fresh wind to blow into your life?

DO SOMETHING TODAY THAT TAKES YOU DEEP INTO GOD’S WORD and makes you or the men in your network more prosperous and successful. WATCH & SHARE this video session, dig deep into God’s Word, and discover new growth in your relationship with Christ.


1. Digging Deep

While visiting the largest gold mine in the world, Pastor Kenny Luck reflected, “The depth men are willing to go, is determined by the value of what is deposited beneath the surface of the opportunity.” In this first of a six-part series, men’s expert and pastor Kenny shares that whenever something is precious, you dig deep. So, what is the most precious commodity a man could ever possess? Working from Colossians 3:16, watch this and learn how to mine God’s word, extract the gold, then teach others in your life the precious truths from the Bible.

To watch this video for FREE OR SHARE IT WITH A FRIEND click here

2. You Can Have The Real Thing – The Fantasy Island Series II


Just about everyone has experience with an encounter of some kind, whether it’s women or men, young or old. I want you to see the reality behind fantasy

There is a huge, epic battle for your connection with fantasy. It goes to how you deal with reality.

Mary Eagan, a writer for the Boston Herald, wrote this, “A couple of years ago this very smart, fun, very pretty 22-year old woman told me that she had been with men her age at least twice who could not have sex with her because she did not look like — or do in bed — what they had seen in pornography.”

How depressing is that!
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3. Wake Up The Sleeping Giant – The Uprising Series II


Are you born of God? Are you a son of God? Can you step into the masculinity that you were born for an endless quest for sonship, or… If you are God’s man, are you dabbling in culture, and playing with worldly versions of sonship?

Men, we need to return to God in the same way that God said to the men of Israel. Circumcise your hearts. Circumcise yourselves to the Lord. Become a passionate son.

This is what happens to the man who receives the Son of God: reception, spiritual inception, and new obligations.

We read about it in Romans 8. How does it all work? If I say yes to Jesus, how does that change me? Who do I become?


Uprisings are powerful. They are recognized by the power that they threaten. Those who are threatened need it to be crushed immediately. Think about our Jewish heritage. I am thinking about Masada, when the Romans crushed a revolt. Think about China: Tiananmen Square.


Uprisings are often crushed immediately because if allowed to thrive and be fueled by emotion and energy, they could change the course of history. Historically, we’ve seen these uprisings. Some were crushed while others succeeded like the French and American Revolutions.

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4. In case you missed them….



I am praying for you each week during the month. Next month, I’m going to ask for your help with a few things. Again, take courage and live as God’s man, flaws and all. Don’t let your struggles keep you from doing good. Come to the site and share your comments and thoughts, and encourage others! Until next week…




Kenny Luck


Kenny Luck




Kenny Luck is the founder of Every Man Ministries and the men’s pastor at Saddleback Church.  His 20th book – SLEEPING GIANT: No Movement of God without Men of God – is the proven blueprint for men’s ministries, and was recently released through B&H Publishing. Leadership kits and church resources published by LifeWay. Watch and read more of Kenny’s teaching here at




May 2013 Volume 1

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EXPLODE your ministry to the men in your city. Host an IGNITE conference featuring Kenny Luck. Select Summer and Fall dates still available.

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