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Fox Sports Offers Test in Persevering Persecution
I applaud broadcaster Craig James for airing his Christian view of marriage on national news. Unfortunately, his employer, Fox Sports didn’t share my praise, firing him immediately. Although this seems unfair, the fact is God’s men must expect persecution.
Although in the US, we don’t often see, hear or experience persecution because of our faith, Christians suffer around the world for believing in, and following, Jesus. Take a glance at www.persecution.org, and you’ll see examples daily.
Our enemy has tried to sabotage God’s plan from day one. Christians share a faith of love and hope, yet the world would rather trump that message with a self-absorbed, hedonistic, “you only live once” religion that accommodates everyone with a bland, empty faith. Instead of turning to God, the world wants to push Him away and punish those who follow His loving teaching.
It’s a weird irony, nevertheless, the Bible warns Christians several times to expect hard times.
In 2 Timothy 3:12 we read, “…everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”
In John 16:33 Jesus says point-blank “…In this world you will have trouble.” And, in the second half the verse, he gives God’s men the key to persevering under persecution, saying “But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
I believe God’s man will increasingly experience persecution. Here are a few tips on how to persevere:
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“I Masturbate.” Now What?
Admit it. You masturbate. Either in the past, or recently, heck maybe this morning. All men, married or single, young or old, struggle with this self-indulgence.
While it would be easy to get caught in the debate of whether or not it’s a sin (and I believe it is), let me suggest that, in my own journey as a God’s man, the reward of saving my sexual appetite for my wife is soooooooooo (!!!!) worth waiting for.
But that’s easier said than done, especially with culture flaunting the female body and shoving sexuality in our faces. The temptation to “relieve” yourself with a helpful hand puts men smack dab in the middle of a battle for the mind.
We justify it. “Well, it’s not in the Bible.” Or “I only fantasize about my wife.” Or “God made us in His image, so He gets it.” Or “As long as I’m not having pre-marital sex, or cheating on my wife, it’s okay.”
I know. I know. I’ve heard these and other justifications before.
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I am praying for you each week during the month. Next month, I’m going to ask for your help with a few things. Again, take courage and live as God’s man, flaws and all. Don’t let your struggles keep you from doing good. Come to the site and share your comments and thoughts, and encourage others! Until next week…

Kenny Luck
Kenny Luck is the founder of Every Man Ministries and the men’s pastor at Saddleback Church. His 20th book – SLEEPING GIANT: No Movement of God without Men of God – is the proven blueprint for men’s ministries, and was recently released through B&H Publishing. Leadership kits and church resources published by LifeWay. Watch and read more of Kenny’s teaching here at EveryManMinistries.com.
November 2013 Volume 3
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