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February 22, 2024 | Daily Devotionals | February 22

The Darkness Within 


Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1 


God’s man can unwittingly, unknowingly or ignorantly partner with the devil. For this reason, we can’t go freewheeling into topics of—and training for—spiritual battle without first dealing with the guy in the mirror. It doesn’t matter how closely you are walking with Jesus in the present, how many mission trips you have been on, or how many messages you have preached. Look in the mirror and don’t say, “Nope, not me.” Take a closer look and see that even Peter the Rock was blind to the darkness within him. 


And yet Jesus intentionally permitted Peter to be sifted and cleansed of the darkness (pride) he was oblivious to before Jesus allowed him to take his place among God’s men managing the kingdom responsibilities in the book of Acts. 

Why? Because lurking just beneath the surface of Peter’s award-winning commitment to Christ was that one thing… But with Jesus, outward expression was always second to inner purity. That one thing—that aspect of Peter that would get in the way of all that passion, commitment and energy—was leaking and visible. 


All God’s men who will fight evil must pause and reflect on how our Commander feels about character preceding influence. 

Father, thank You for reminding me of the sin that so entangles my feet. Help me take up my own cross and follow You. 


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