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February 5, 2013 | FAQ | How do I use my Quick Start Package?

The Quick Start Packages contain two main components:


1. An 8 week DVD leader training kit with 1 workbook meant to train your leaders


2. A 4 week streaming sermon series meant to give you curriculum for 4 weeks worth of weekling meetings for any man in your congregation.



There are two main ways to use each kit:


1. Train some of your core leaders for 8 weeks with the DVD leaders kit then invite all men to the next four weeks for your weekly meetings and show the 4 streaming sermons that come in the Quick Start Package.




2. Invite men from the community and congregation for 4 weeks to watch the 4 streaming videos then identify some of them that want to be leaders and take them through the DVD leader kit for 8 weeks making sure to keep the weekly meetings going with additonal streaming video series that can easily be purchased on demand from our site.

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