Part 5 of 5
No One Stays Under
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2
More than 1 billion people—10 times more than the most-watched Super Bowl—watched the livestream of 33 Chilean miners rescued after being trapped nearly a half mile underground for 69 days. One of the key leaders was Dr. Jean Romagnoli, who helped oversee the men’s medical needs.
Romagnoli was one of a handful of doctors whose job it was to keep the men alive. On his hard hat he wrote, “Nadie se queda abajo,” or “No one stays under.” For 52 days—from the time the men were discovered until their rescue—intense pressure and responsibility rested on the doctor’s shoulders. He sent down pre-recorded training exercises so the men could stay in shape, and even prepared iPods with personalized play lists. As each man was rescued and exited the escape capsule, the doctor asked them to sign his hard hat.
It’s hard to receive help from other men, and almost as hard to ask someone if they need help. But that’s exactly what the Father wants us to do: be open to both receiving and giving help. And the further we journey into adulthood, the busier and more complicated life tends to become—filling up the margins. Stealing our free time. Sucking us dry emotionally.
So how do we make room for having each other’s backs? Start by taking the risk to reach out. Proverbs 18:24 says, “One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Unlike family, a friend is someone who chooses us—and vice versa. We all need at least one friend like that. Whose name is written on your hard hat?
Father, allow your Holy Spirit to guide me to those few who will stick closer than a brother.