Temporal vs Eternal
Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven. –Matthew 6:10
We’ve all heard preachers say that Jesus talked more about money (71 times) than He did about love (24). But you know what Jesus talked even move about? The Kingdom (about 125). When was the last time you heard an entire sermon about the Kingdom of God? The thing is, we don’t hear enough about the Kingdom, or the fact that when Jesus came to Earth He brought the Kingdom of God with Him. The Kingdom of heaven doesn’t begin when we die; we are experiencing it now.
“Great, Kenny, but how is that relevant for me?” you might ask. There are only two “realms” on the Earth: the kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of God. We will either live in one or the other. There are more than 40,000 Christian denominations in the world, but there is only one Kingdom. Dozens and dozens of religions, faiths, and belief systems, but again, only one heavenly Kingdom.
God’s man pursues the Kingdom—a mindset that says, “I am contending for eternity now—not when I die.” In granular everyday terms: What choices today glorify Jesus and which ones grieve Him? What words can I use—through voice, email, text, social media—that honor Him and point people toward the kingdom? One word at a time; one choice at a time. We keep eternity—not the “long tail” … the “longest tail”—in our conscious mind.
Reject the lie that says, “I’m just hanging on in this brutal world until Jesus comes back, or I die—whichever comes first.” Living with a Kingdom mindset allows us to see that God designed us with eternity in mind. It gives us hope during tough times, and it allows us to live above our circumstances. That’s victory.
Father, give me the mind of Christ—an eternal mindset set on things above.