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June 2, 2024 | Daily Devotionals | June 2

Spiritual Cancer 

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  ––Eph 6:12 

I first heard of monoclonal antibodies (MABS) a few years back, while researching cancer and its complexities. MABs are the bioengineered cruise missiles that fly past every other type of cell and target the cancer cells. Essentially, they are one of the smart bombs of the cancer world. 

When a monoclonal antibody attaches to itself to a foreign body such as a cancer cell—it highlights that cell to the immune system. Like a homing beacon MABs can tag cancerous cells for the immune system, making them easier to locate and fight. 

Two types of leukemia, four types of cancer, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma are regularly treated today with monoclonal antibodies. They are a magic bullet. The  perfect soldiers of the oncology world. 

Satan is like the cancer of the spiritual world, and his demons are like the cancer cells that attack us. Demons are constantly seeking to attach themselves to the lives of believers in areas that are unsurrendered to the Holy Spirit’s control. The good news is that when we are surrendered to the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus has the victory. Jesus even said that His followers would do greater works than Him (John 4:12). 

In this fight, it’s critical to remember that you can’t “sort of” believe in demons as God’s man. In fact, there’s woefully little actual resistance to demonic influence and control in the lives of God’s men today. Be forewarned, Satan and his demons are like cancer. The Holy Spirit’s power within you is the only antidote. You don’t need to walk in fear because He who is in us is greater than he (Satan) who is in the world (1 John 4:4).

Father, You have given me the Holy Spirit, make me conscious of His power. 


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