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June 5, 2024 | Daily Devotionals | June 5

The Kingdom Team 

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.  ––Matthew 16:19 

Teams of men seasoned in time have the opportunity to do something great. Sports teams are a good example. Each season starts out with the promise that they can end up on the road to glory and in the ultimate match for the championship. But that requires a lot of things to happen, including leadership, vision, discipline, conviction, commitment, communication, flexibility, and sacrifice on the part of everybody in that particular season of time. If you have been fortunate to be part of a team at any stage of your life, whether it was youth baseball or high school or college, or even followed a team through a journey like that, you know what I’m talking about. 

You are a kingdom man called to kingdom stuff in your season of time that only you and your team can accomplish. God has recruited us specifically for this season, for this time, for this hour, right where we are located. It’s no coincidence, and you aren’t here by accident. Once we step over the line and accept Christ into our lives, we are given a new mind with the desire to accomplish great things. Our lives have been given meaning and purpose to play on God’s Kingdom team. He has not withheld one thing from you that would allow you to be a star on His team. 

You might be thinking, “What does God’s game look like, what do the goals look like, what are the boundaries?” God’s game is the influence He has given you. It’s how good you become at using your response to God’s ability to inspire, to encourage, and to be the person who will show God’s love to the people around you. God has placed you on the road to glory—the losses are temporary and the win is for an eternity surrounded by the love and acceptance of God Himself. 

Father, thank You for choosing me to be on Your team. 

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