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March 19, 2024 | Daily Devotionals | March 19

What Does Humble Look Like?

The Lord personally dwells with and refreshes the humble.  Isaiah 57:15


I’m sure most of us are familiar with the story of the prodigal son. If not, you can read it in Luke 15. I remember thinking that the son returned home covered in pig slop, which was an apt metaphor for all the messes we make in life. Nothing like a little barnyard stench to get you feeling humble. But once humbled, the son presented himself to his father, admitted his mistakes, and asked for a job as a slave with no privileges. Instead of blasting his son for blowing all his inheritance on wine, women, and song, the father ran to him, melted into his arms, and called for a celebration: “This son of mine was dead and has now returned to life,” he proclaimed (Luke 15:24).


Everything changed for the son because he was willing to humble himself before the truth of his circumstances and before his father, who was waiting eagerly for him to return. It never dawned on the son that he would receive this kind of acceptance. He never thought he would witness such love and compassion from his father. Instead, he thought, If my father will just let me be his unpaid slave.


How motivating it is when we ponder the positive and powerful emotions that God has for each of us. And like the prodigal’s father, not just emotion, but emotion backed with action. The father cleaned him up, gave him a new robe, and lavished him with the feast of the fatted calf. All the son did was recognize who he was and where he was. That’s all he did, and then the father threw his arms around him, kissed him, and wept for joy. Wow!


What is it going to take for us to really get it—to fully grasp our heavenly Father’s total acceptance and absolute unconditional love for us? Like the prodigal’s father, our God cleans up our stench of sin, provides fresh new clothes of righteousness where our transgressions are cast as far as the east is from the west, and lays out an amazing banquet of blessings for us as His children. That’s humbling—in an excellent kind of way.


Why would anyone not want to come home to this kind of Father? 

Father, I have said it before but sometimes there is no other way for me to describe your love for me. It is just AWESOME!

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