There I will meet you and speak to you; there also I will meet with the Israelites, and the place will be consecrated by my glory. Exodus 29:42-43
Have you set up your tent yet? In the days preceding the Exodus, God established a special place to meet with Moses and the Israelites. He called it the Tent of Meeting; it was here that He said the words of our scripture verse above. Where is your Tent of Meeting? For me it’s the brown chair downstairs in the living room. That chair is where I read this passage and recommitted myself to a daily time with God.
My friend Darren was the first to jump in the water at a meeting I had with my small group while discussing consistency in our daily quiet times with our Creator. Darren said, “Every morning, I get up and show up to work on time, I am prompt for my appointments throughout the day, and I’m always on time for my son’s baseball practices after work. On weekends I like to get up at the crack of dawn and be the first off the tee so I can motor round the course. But one appointment I could never keep was the one with my Bible, and I struggled to read it on a regular and consistent basis. I made sure I kept my appointments with everyone else, but with Jesus, I was never on time. How sad is that?”
“So what did you do about it?” I asked.
“I finally got on track with a steady quiet time with God by doing three things: having a plan, setting a time, and having a place to do it uninterrupted,” Darren said.
Consistency is a very large key to starting your day with God’s perspective. Don’t leave home without it. God deserves to be your first appointment, don’t you think? This is pretty much common sense. Without your Creator’s perspective it can be a little dangerous facing your daily circumstances. Like any other habit, a “daily sit” with God takes commitment and repetition. But once you get into the groove, your day will feel strange if you miss this key appointment.
Guys sometimes ask if morning or evening is better for meeting with God. I personally prefer the morning because it calibrates my day and sets my mind on Him, rather than myself or my problems. Whatever time of day you decide to meet with God, keep doing it until you don’t want to miss it.
Make your coffee and make God your first appointment every day. God is never late, and He is waiting for you.
Father, help me make You the most important and urgent appointment of my day.