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March 24, 2024 | Daily Devotionals | March 24

Who’s Got Your Back?

Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment. Proverbs 18:1


One of the craziest turnarounds in the Bible has to do with Elijah. One day he confronts hundreds of priests of Baal and proves that YHWH is the one true God, and then the next day he’s running away from a single witch. I wonder if things would have been different if a good friend had caught old Elijah before he panicked, caved in to fear, and fled. 


“Lone Ranger-ing” is what’s working against us, guys. We are traveling through life unconnected and unexamined, but at the same time we’re careful to maintain an image suggesting that we’re okay. But we really aren’t. The guy we present in public looks alright, while deep inside we harbor great turmoil and conflict.


But we don’t live in a vacuum; those emotions have to go somewhere. Some of us who feel unconnected choose avenues of relief and comfort outside of God’s plan, which only brings harm to our relationships with Him and with others. Our emotional conflicts are compounded by bitterly contested spiritual conflicts as the world, the flesh, and Satan exploit our isolation.

At every men’s conference, I encounter God’s men who confess to dabbling in internet porn, elicit affairs, and way too many substances. Others immerse themselves in their work, a sports team (or teams), or some hobby to help them deal with life’s pain. Unfortunately, these diversions are exactly that—diversions. And some aren’t diversions, but addictions.


I have found that men who are not progressing personally, spiritually, or relationally have reached this sad state because they do not risk connecting on an honest level with other men. But we need to! Men relating to other men are right where God wants us to be. It’s where we can get help when we need it most as we watch each other’s backs, pray for and encourage one another, and care enough to confront so that we help each other become the men God created us to be.


Remember, “pride goes before the fall” (Proverbs 16:18). Start an earnest search for a man or group that has your spiritual back and keeps you from isolation.


Father, you have urged me to not go this life alone. Even your Son was accountable.

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