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November 15, 2023 | Daily Devotionals | November 15


Oh! Precious is the flow that makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus — Hymn

Blood is life.  In other words, blood is fundamental to existence; it is what procures and sustains life. It contains the whole story of creation, man, faith, and meaning all in one. Thus, blood is life.

God’s man has an even deeper attachment to blood because faith in Christ brings him face to face with the blood of Christ.  In short, no blood, no forgiveness, no heaven.  Theologians call this substitutionary atonement; His blood for your sin.  I call it mind-blowing.  The blood is what makes for our instant fellowship with other Christians and our common sense of gratitude to God.  We are in the deepest possible debt to God for the blood of His Son on our behalf.  That’s why we cry and sing the old hymn at the same time; “What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”

Similarly, guess what you and Satan have most in common?  The blood, but that’s where the common ground stops, because you could not have a more inverse relationship to anything than you have here.  Satan was defeated by the blood, you were cleansed by it.  Satan was betrayed by it, you were rescued by it.  Satan was humiliated by it, you were exalted by your trust in it.  The mention of the blood is repellent to him.  That’s why the Scripture says that what secured our initial victory over Satan on the cross is a weapon to secure our ongoing victory over him as believers.

Father, you cared enough for me to give your ultimate. My heart is to love you for it.


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