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November 21, 2024 | Daily Devotionals | November 21

Chain Reactions 

Just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men.  For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.  ––Romans 5:18-19

One man’s obedience brings life to many. We simply do not know how far-reaching one act of obedience to God will be and what consequences our choices will have for others.

This reason alone would be enough to seek God’s will in all matters. When the moment of our greatest challenge arrives, we want to be in the habit of saying yes to God rather than debating or compromising. Being ready means we aren’t considering our own rewards or consequences, but the impact of our choices upon others.

This is the kind of unselfish obedience that is most like Jesus Christ’s. While there may be some wrestling, we want to have a strong spiritual resolve to see God’s will done. Spiritual obedience and spiritual disobedience set in motion consequences we cannot undo. All decisions that affect our relationships with God and others involve defying one voice and obeying another. 

What chain reactions is our obedience or disobedience creating in eternity?  It’s a sobering thought if you’re like me and have a colorful past. When we realize the progression of the disobedience of Adam, we can start to understand the passion of Jesus on this whole issue of doing life God’s way. It makes more sense to believe that Jesus was big on obedience with His men not because He wanted strict, legalistic adherences to the guidelines, but because He was aiming to correct the chain reactions. 

Thank you, Father, for reminding me of the seriousness of my choices. 

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