Know your Position in Christ
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of his world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. II Corinthians 10:4
The Bible teaches us that God’s weapons were created to be used. If we were to be graded on our familiarity with our weapons, like they do in any good standing army, what would our drill instructor say? “How long have you been a believer, boy?” Ouch! Would that be you? The Bible assumes we’ll actually use the weapons issued to us. We are equipped with weapons that will knock down the strongholds of Satan!
Well, my brother, you can’t fight a battle against evil unless you’re intimate with God’s weapons. So let’s start talking about how to use them in our fight against evil. After all, Satan wants to keep you from becoming adept with your spiritual weapons.
Knowledge of evil and of your position in Christ is the first weapon used in this fight. Satan tries to keep intelligence and awareness about himself limited or misguided. He also wants to to be unaware of spiritual position and the authority you command. Just saying “I am in Christ” is a blow to him. That identity and union, once internalized, activates your authority. It’s the key that unlocks the door to spiritual power.
So, God’s man, when you get a chance, tell him like you mean it, and mean it as you say it: “I am in Christ. My identity has been eclipsed. I have been deputized with full authority. I personally acknowledge, accept and appropriate my authority in Jesus’ mighty name”. Say it often to remind yourself and Satan that you know who you are, and he should know it well. Your awareness of your spiritual identity is the basis, the power cell, for all other weapons.
Father, I have your full authority and full power to overcome temptation.