Conservative, Moderate, Aggressive
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.” John 3:16
When I look at the words of Jesus to his guys about risking it all for Him, I am reminded of a brochure I received from a financial-services company. It had a simple graph profiling my level of comfort with financial risk. I could fit one of three categories based on the level of risk I could tolerate: conservative, moderate, or aggressive over a time continuum.
Then in a flash it hit me: My walk with Christ and the faith or risk is based on eternity not 70 or 80 years and it’s not finance, it’s based on the risk taken for an intimate, eternal relationship with the God of the universe. He has given us the open door of accepting the faith that he has supplied us which we all know involves risk, otherwise faith has no meaning.
Time was created by God when he put the planets in orbit, which indicates to me that we all have an equal amount of time seeing we cannot predict when we die. Back in the beginning, God gave the human race choice by placing the tree of good and evil in the garden. You have a choice. Based on what God has given you, this should give you your answer regarding your risk quotient. Remember your relationship with the Father is based on His love for you. God desires an intimate relationship. Intimacy is based on giving to the other person in the relationship.
Father, help me concentrate on your love for me. Is that motivating or what?