So, those who rely on faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith. For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, as it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Galatians 3: 9-10
Do we have a clear understanding of Christianity or have we missed the mark throughout the ages in what God is communicating. In the last part of this scripture we see that without being completely delivered from the works of the law we are all doomed. In our minds eye, completely delivered should mean unless we have accepted the fact that we can’t deliver ourselves from any sin and the sinful condition we’re wired to, we are doomed.
From a Christian Evangelical radio station I heard these words recently: “Enough of this hyper grace preaching and back to sincere repentance.” Am I missing the motivation of this statement?
We can certainly agree motivation is different for different people. Some are motivated by the Nike’s advertisement quote that says “Just Do It.” No forethought, just do it. Others are motivated by forethought. We ask ourselves, after reading the New Testament, what kind of heart is God motivated by as we live our lives before him. An Abraham type of life, or a Mt. Sinai type of life. As a father, if your child brought your shoes to you all cleaned and polished without you asking them to, which motivation is most rewarding to the father, because the child was commanded to do this, or because they wanted to? This ‘want to’ type of motivation is not what I am hearing from a lot of evangelical preaching today. Is the Christian life all about me and my failure to keep the law or about God and his deliverance from it?
Father, thank you for your complete deliverance, Wow!