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October 24, 2023 | Daily Devotionals | October 24

Your Position in Christ

“I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you to” 
Ephesians 1:18

Paul prays that our heart would be enlightened to the incredible power that is in Christ Jesus.  Why does Paul pray for this, and why does Satan try to prevent that understanding from happening?  It’s a power issue, and the one who stands to lose power is not you, it’s him! “That you may know” what? Answer: that your total identification and total spiritual union in Christ positions you for power against Satan.  The Devil cannot stand the thought of your wielding rule, power, authority, and dominion in Christ over evil now, “in the present age.”

So, God’s man, when you get a chance, tell him like you mean it, and mean it as you say it: “I am in Christ.  My identity has been eclipsed.  I have been deputized with full authority.  I personally acknowledge, accept and appropriate that authority in Jesus’ mighty name.” Say it often to remind yourself and Satan that you know who you are, and he should know it well. Your awareness of your spiritual identity is the basis, the power cell for all other weapons.

When you are confused, conflicted, or harassed, say the name.  You don’t have to be fancy, just throw it straight. If you affirm His valid lordship and your connection to Him, there is valid authority from His name. End of story.  Use the weapons specifically and swiftly. “I rebuke all evil in this situation in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.” The key is to be simple, clear, and confident in your identity and connection to Christ.

Father, thank you that you have given it all to me, now help me posses it.


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