God’s Man Risks
By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. Hebrews 11:8
Taking risks for God leads to a richer relationship with Him. More importantly, when we take action based on His promises, we personally see His purposes worked out in the world.
Think Abraham’s emergency relocation process. Think Joshua and the match-and-blow strategy for Jericho. Think Noah’s shipping order. Think Joshua getting millions of people to the other side of the river, only to start multiple wars based on a promise. Think David teeing off on Goliath. Think Elijah calling out the prophets of Baal. Think Daniel refusing steak and asking for veggies. Think Stephen before the Sanhedrin. Think Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Think *your name here (plus risk issue).
Every guy was God’s man. Every guy was tested. Every man stood alone. Every man risked trusting God and prevailed. The common denominators of these risk-taking experiences were: All of them accepted their assignments — all required trust in God’s way over their way — all followed a higher purpose, mostly unknown to them until later. All looked forward to heavenly reward over earthly approval — all were offered no guarantees, only promises from God that He would help them. All experienced a loss, some through disapproval, others through stoning or crucifixion. All were recognized and rewarded generously by God. All have a legacy. These are the big hitters, the Hall of Famers, the recognized risk-takers.
The Word ahead of the world, the gospel ahead of gurus, self-sacrifice over selfishness, relationships over busyness.
Thank you Father for the gift of choice.