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September 24, 2023 | Daily Devotionals | September 24



Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Proverbs 4:26

Being God’s man means being a man whose character is centered in the true reality, versus being a man centered on appearances, perceptions, rationalizations, deceits, fantasies, self-deceptions and all other shades of unreality.  Christ-likeness is measured by a consistent acceptance of reality — especially when it hurts. How do I know, because this is the essence of the God-Man.

The velvet touch of His grace is seamlessly paired with this indestructible commitment to truth.  They are the two parts of His character that bring healing and health to all He touches.  It’s where the warmth of His unconditional acceptance intersects with the steel of accountability — affirmation meets authority.  It’s what gets me into relationship with God and what transforms me into someone different.  It is the anointed dynamic of God’s grace loving me while His truth transforms me.  Grace feels like a comfortable hug.  Truth feels like a swift slap to the backside, yet both show love.

When I take bold steps toward painful realities, I know it is Jesus in me and not me. It’s not my natural pattern. I prefer comfort; I prefer safe fantasy. Jesus did not spin the facts when there was a risk of loss or a potentially negative consequence.  In fact, he leaned in harder when there was a risk of people believing fantasies. No one likes their parade rained on.  But when our parade gets out of control, the truth of our consequences can be a refreshing rain.

Thank you Father for guiding the bat when I step up to the plate.


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