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November 4, 2013 | Featured | Technology Jesus Would Use to Reach You

Remember when wearing a pager was a hi-tech status symbol? But you had to have a quarter in your pocket so you could use a pay phone…Or when “sending a fax” was the fastest way to send documents? Then, computers and email took over. Soon, innovators combined the computer and phone, and voila, we have “smartphones.”


Technology is getting even smaller. I read recently, “smartwatches” are coming — now we will literally be tied to our technology. And, the “Google Glass” will allow you to gaze through tech-filtered lenses accessing mobile computing with eye-tracking software.


Kenny Luck, Every Man MinistriesOur technology era has even made getting to know God “easier” with online Bible versions and translations, new mobile applications of the Bible and teachers, and Christian movies and music are available to be downloaded. With all this technology and access to more material, you’d think God’s man would know the Word better than ever, right?


Unfortunately, despite unlimited access to all forms of the Word, one of the biggest weaknesses among God’s men is a lack of knowledge of God-breathed scripture: The Bible.


I believe there’s no replacement for the “technology” Jesus would use.


While television broadcasts attempt to spread the gospel worldwide, and radio continues to reach less tech-savvy countries, there are still places — even in your own neighborhood — where the Word must be shared the old-fashioned way.


If we look at the “technology” Jesus used, we might learn something about to reach the hearts of men. So what technology did Jesus use?


  • He used flawed men whom he touched, who then used whatever means at their disposal to tell about him, his life, and the Kingdom among us through him. Jesus uses this same technology today, but you have to be a willing conduit — or transmitter. 
  • His used time, talk and touch within the context of a personal encounter. Jesus invested his time to relate to men, talking, teaching and touching — both literally and figuratively — for the purpose of sharing love.
  • He prayed, sort like a telecommunication hotline to God.
  • He read and spoke the Word which makes me wonder if he carried a scroll.
  • He wrote in the sand…not sure that will help you, though.
  • He was the Word, instead of relying on a form of technology to send the word, He sent himself.


Jesus could have invented technology to spread the news, or spent his ministry writing and sending his teaching, but he didn’t. He spent time with others.


Technology may have given us greater access to the Bible and to connect with others, but it may also be providing a hurdle, excuse or interruption from what God wants from us in the first place…relationship with Him and relationship with others.


Don’t get me wrong, I love technology! In fact, I plan for this website to reach more men, and create a movement that activates men and the message in their own lives, families and communities.


Here’s the key: God’s man can use anything that creates a sense of thoughtful time, dialogue, and connection to God and others — that’s what Jesus would do. Once touched by Jesus, his men proclaimed the Kingdom through Him, manifested his character in word and deed, and made disciples by helping others to believe what Jesus taught so that it became natural to their daily existence.


So before getting overly consumed with your email, internet, smartphone, etc., try reaching over your fence, saying hello to your neighbor and shaking hands.



In case you missed them:


Seven Signs Your Men’s Ministry Has Gone “Rogue” — Unaligned Men’s Ministry Is Worse Than Having One At All


Helping the Unmarried Man


“Male” Fraud – Broken Male Culture Always Exposed But Never Expected to Change




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Kenny Luck, Founder and President of Every Man Ministries, is the Men’s Pastor at Saddleback Church, and has a great deal of experience in leading men through their walk with God. His program Sleeping Giant empowers men to take the experience of a men’s ministry and bring it to their own communities. Watch Kenny’s teachings at

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