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December 29, 2023 | Daily Devotionals | December 29

Humble Pie

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time” I Peter 5:6

Humble Pie is kind of like broccoli, you don’t eat it for desert.  Jesus’ style of humility has personal influence under the control and management of the Holy Spirit.  He whispers, stop talking about yourself and get interested in God and then others. He invites you to take some of that bonus you just got and pay it forward. Give it to someone or something that God brings to your mind. Humility before God manifests itself in controlling your ability to influence.  The trouble comes when we transfer that control to a feeling, the moment, convenience, a fear, or our appetites.  Each of us has influence, and we’ll project that on to others for better or for worse. The question is, how will you use yours?

Will you be the person that uses his position to intimidate, demand, and threaten the man who possess wealth for his own pleasure? God desires that we lead but also to remember who gave us this position of leadership and for what purpose?  He gives us money and things to use and enjoy but not exclusively for our purpose. It really does get down to out of control selfish behavior.  Not doing without thinking. God desires the best for us but knows that the best for us does not include self-absorption.  The aroma of selfishness really kills the sweet taste of humble pie.

The lens of Jesus was a mission on earth of humility, that’s where it had to start and finish. He balanced the rhythm of possessing royalty without flaunting His crown.  You may not be a celebrity, but you have influence. Similarly, you may not be pulling down six figures, but I know you have relational capital in the lives of others, use it wisely.

Father, your recipe for humble pie is the best ever made.

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