Dangerous Good – Workbook – Small Group Curriculum


The Dangerous Good Workbook / Small Group Curriculum is a companion to the Dangerous Good book and video series by Kenny Luck. The video series and study guide are created for a Dangerous Good Fellowship (men’s small group) to go deeper into the topics and personally apply each on to their lives. The study guide offers step-by-step instructions for both new and seasoned men’s group leaders. Each group member will benefit from the note taking guide for each video as well as the exercises for the group time.


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This is the official Dangerous Good 5 session workbook. Each person in your group will need a copy of this book as you dive into the corresponding video sessions.

to watch the Video Trailer click here: https://vimeo.com/285541288

Accompanying 5 week series videos are available to stream with an Every Man Ministries video membership (monthly or annual). Click the red “Start Free Trail” button in the upper right corner.

Additional information

Weight .75 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × .3125 in