The church has an “800 pound gorilla” in the room: Men. Many pastors see the need but are at a loss for how to really engage men in their culture and church context. Deep down they know they haven’t yet inspired men into the mission and vision of the local church on the same scale as women. Meanwhile, most men feel further detached from worship, left only with worldly expressions of manhood to fuel their identity. Sleeping Giant is a punch in the gut and pat on the back for pastors and men worldwide, a powerful biblical approach that will bring them together and awaken some serious ministry potential. And a church that gets men right can slay another dragon: Global injustice. Injustice against women, children, and all innocents is rooted in broken male culture. The Bible says “Just as through the disobedience of the one man many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of one man many will be made righteous” (Romans 5:19). As the church disciples men into an identity and purpose that transcends culture, they will move from Adam and death over to Jesus and life. You can see it taking place in Acts 2 following Pentecost, when widespread repentance and changing of men’s hearts brought God’s justice and relief to people. A masculine revolution happened then, and it can happen today.
Sleeping Giant is currently out of print. We are currently in the process of re-branding and re-printing. This is a downloadable PDF that can be used digitally or printed.