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August 16, 2024 | Daily Devotionals | August 16

The Classic One-Two Punch

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  ––Acts 20:35

The most lethal blow a man can give discontentment is a strong purpose for living. That is why part of the Holy Spirit’s mission in your life is to keep you engaged in chasing God’s purpose. You can’t ask for better instruction. Paul tells Timothy the secret of the one-two-punch, warns him not to seek satisfaction outside of God by seeking contentment of self by chasing the buck. He teaches Timothy a life of godliness and a life of giving.

Sacrificial giving of time, finances, and skills to help others and further God’s purposes in the world breaks the power of materialism and puts us in touch with our brothers and ourselves. Paul was in the habit of not neglecting the poor; specifically, by taking up collections and personally delivering them (Romans 15:26-27). This was part of the Holy Spirit’s work in his life, teaching him to be content in all circumstances. The poor taught him to answer the question: “What do I really need?”

This all seems so simple, and we have heard it many times: others versus self. Hearing it and doing it, however, are two very different things. Paul struggled with this as a Christian in Romans 7, and showed his discontent when he exposed himself and the struggle that was going on within himself. He knew the difference between right and wrong, especially because of his background as a Pharisee. He was extremely frustrated because he could see the losing battle he was fighting. He then reveals the answer to his dilemma in Romans 8: He will never be able answer this question. The light bulb goes on, the law of measurement is defeated. No more comparison; it’s over. God relieved the pressure of being “good enough” for Paul, and He does it for us as well. 

Live a life of godliness and gratitude by giving of yourself. It can be frightening at first, because we don’t know what we are giving up in exchange for giving our time to others. But then, once we start the journey of giving, we see the beauty in it. We see that rather than giving up something, we gain so much more. We gain connection, we gain fulfillment, and we gain enrichment. A lifestyle of giving never disappoints.

Father, thank You for giving so freely of Yourself, and also for teaching me how to give to others.

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