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“Busy” Boys Mean Bad Relationships
I have often thought that if the Devil can’t make a man bad he’ll make him busy. When I am busy or in a hurry it is impossible for me to have quality relationships with God or people. The Devil knows this and is able to hide behind any man’s “busy” schedule to accomplish his goal: the destruction of his relationships. He is very aware of the fact that to really know someone a man must learn to slow his pace down to be present and connect. There are the simple mechanics of healthy relationships that can be easily destroyed through external over-commitment and its partner – hurry.
Satan’s scheme gets men playing the “busy” card as a justification for lack of quality in their connections with God and people. A full and robust work life should be an expectation of men not a rationalization for why our relationships are weak – especially when it comes to your relationship with God. Get that.
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Taking the Hit
“Kenny, it’s Bill.”
“Hey, Bill. What’s going on?”
“Listen, Kenny. Do you have a minute? I need to ask you a question about something.”
“Absolutely. Fire away.” I said.
That was a lie. A truthful response would have been: “No, I don’t have a minute or another second. I just finished a board meeting. I am under titanic pressure at the moment to finish this project, and I am getting frustrated over all the interruption!” That was my reality but I wasn’t going to make Bill suffer for what he didn’t know. I love the guy. So I let on about my reality for Bill’s sake and just swallowed my angst. After mentally placing my precious schedule on the altar, Bill shared with me what’s giving him a spiritual fever.
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I am praying for you each week during the month. Next month, I’m going to ask for your help with a few things. Again, take courage and live as God’s man, flaws and all. Don’t let your struggles keep you from doing good. Come to the site and share your comments and thoughts, and encourage others! Until next week…

Kenny Luck
Kenny Luck is the founder of Every Man Ministries and the men’s pastor at Saddleback Church. His 20th book – SLEEPING GIANT: No Movement of God without Men of God – is the proven blueprint for men’s ministries, and was recently released through B&H Publishing. Leadership kits and church resources published by LifeWay. Watch and read more of Kenny’s teaching here at EveryManMinistries.com.
June 2014 Volume 4
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