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June 25, 2024 | Daily Devotionals | June 25

Access Is Everything


Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.”  ––John 3:5

July 22, 2009. A day that will go down in—hiking—infamy. That‘s the day Microsoft released Windows 7 with its famous (infamous?) wallpaper featuring one of the most stunning—and previously little-known—areas in the Southwest: “The Wave” red rock formations of northern Arizona. Suddenly this remote, dry region—official name Coyote Buttes North—was overrun with tourists wanting to see the now-famous place revealed to the world. (Thanks Bill Gates.)

The Bureau of Land Management pivoted quickly so the delicate sandstone formations would not be trashed. Today, access is permit-only and strictly limited to 64 people per day. A friend tried for a walk-in permit at the BLM Field Office in Kanab, Utah, where a daily lottery awards 18 of the 64 permits. He met a couple from Japan who had flown in just to nab a coveted permit to see The Wave. It was the couples’ tenth day showing up with no luck. The wife was in tears. 

Access is everything in our world. Snag the permit, score the killer floor seats, or land reservations at the new restaurant in town. We often strive, maneuver, and finagle to get the things we want in this life. We’re all guilty of it—it was that little voice during Covid craziness that said, “Grab all the toilet paper and run,” though (hopefully) we resisted and only took what we needed. 

However, God’s man has been awarded full access to a place beyond imagination. Eternal life is free of charge, no permit required. But though it’s free, there’s still a call to answer—acceptance of His kingship as Savior.

What are you striving for today? Does that “thing” align with God’s plan for you? We have access to so much in this world, particularly here in the US. But like Jesus’ words to Martha, we need to remember: “ … You are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary.” That one thing is about placing Him first in all we do. 

Father, thank You for giving me full access to Your grace and love. 

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