Spiritual Practice
“You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me” Matthew 15:7-8
The hard truth is — if the motions are right but the motivation is out of alignment, you might as well drop the charade. Playing church is playing with fire. It really gets down to the word “authority”. Are we attempting to do this “Christian thing” in our own authority or are we filled with the Spirit and doing this out of a gratitude response? Is this a God thing or is it a me thing? Is this still a religion thing, me trying to impress God and others or is it surrendering full authority to God? This is a very hard concept for us to understand and put into action. Yep, it goes way back to the beginning DNA of the human being. The only way that DNA thing can be changed is by a supernatural action stripping us of all authority by the surrender of our will to His. You may have discovered this is not only a one time decision; it is a daily thing.
The word practice comes back up at this time. What are you practicing or putting into action on a daily basis that is going to pound God’s perception into your existence? I have found, and God has pointed it out over and over, that you have to practice an intimate relationship with him. There is no other way! Spend time with God; make him your FIRST appointment of the day, every day. Get out of bed, plant your feet on the ground and walk over to your appointment room, pour yourself a cup of coffee and open his message to you and stick your head in it. Then journal your prayer of gratitude for the relationship he has ordained for the two of you to “PRACTICE”.
Thank you Father, for desiring an intimate relationship with me.