Rationalization vs. Reality
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. ––1 Corinthians 13:11
Adulting is on the decline, it seems. You know what I mean? How many grown men do you know who just don’t seem to live in reality—you know, work, pay the bills, nurture their families. Or, they’re in a job but are either “quietly quitting” (all the time, which contradicts the concept of quitting), or a poster child for the expression, “The lights are on but no one is home.” Going through the motions of life, living for the weekend, and obsessed with their toys. Hey, don’t get me wrong. I love to relax and unplug. Some hoops down at the park or a run on our local trails, and I’m a new man. Relaxing and taking a break from the grind is important. What I’m talking about are men who don’t want to even admit that there is a grind—real life, with its responsibilities, problems, and issues. The live as if their sabbath is “hump day” and their savior is recreation.
Rationalizing is the opposite of reality, and it’s the brain-child of the adversary. The first known rationalization was uttered by the serpent: surely you won’t die if you eat the apple. Whereas, in contrast, reality is the dwelling place of our almighty God. And the reality in the Garden? Eternal relationship with the Father in paradise, or mortality by eating the one thing He told them not to eat. And frankly, none of Satan’s motives or tactics have changed. Think about it: the enemy’s goal is to get you to remain immature, emotionally stunted, and living a half-life that shadows the full life God has in mind for you. Just like Adam. The deceiver’s schtick is a fantasy, a toxic edifice propped up by rationalizations.
Excusing ourselves from the reality of our responsibility as God’s man will not be accepted. That frame of mind and approach to Christianity doesn’t fly; it’s not Christ-like. Your awareness of His love for you, Christ’s character forming in you, and your partnership with the Holy Spirit inside incinerates such self-deceptions. More important, God’s man knows that the acceptance or promotion of a lie produces great negative consequences. Acknowledgment and acceptance of His Kingdom precepts, no matter how painful, produce the greatest freedoms and blessings in life.
To be like Christ, the gloves must come off. It’s time to see, engage, and interact with what is, not what you wish it was. It takes a man-sized courage to live in truth and reality–– you must be open to personal transformation. The hard part? Admitting your identify and your energies may have been partially misplaced. But you have the opportunity today to become more like Christ––a man who doesn’t have to create a world of unreality to make himself feel better or more secure. That’s spiritual adulting, and that’s where you will “Marie Kondo” this reality called life in the Spirit, and truly spark joy.
The bottom line is that Jesus negotiates reality very well. He should––He created it. And that means that the One living in you is just waiting to encourage people and to pursue it to set them free, much like He did while He was here. Follow the example and don’t give up. The more like Jesus you become, the more freedom you will have.
Why? Because you are real, and that’s the real dream, brother.
Father, You are the one who gives me the courage to face reality. Thank You for keeping me out of the enemy’s pit of rationalizations on the path of joy in You.