The Motivation of Grace
For it is by grace you have been saved through faith––and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
Commenting on the theme of grace back in the late 1800s, British preacher Charles H. Spurgeon told the crowds flocking outside London’s Metropolitan Tabernacle that there was only one motivation strong enough to keep them living a victorious life for God. He said, “The most potent motive for holiness is free grace,” Spurgeon stated, adding that we should be “moved by gratitude to a height of dedication and purity of obedience that mere legalism can never know.”
The core of truth about God’s men is that our lives reflect a personal response to an act of love we just can’t get over. And it can often be a hard 18-inch journey from our head to our heart. But once we catch it, it changes us at the core.
Dubbed the “Prince of Preachers” by his contemporaries, Spurgeon approached moving people toward a courageous faith and spiritual integrity by getting them to take a long look at how Christ died for them. Love demonstrated by sacrifice for the purpose of showing His love for us. To understand this means a total change in how we demonstrate this with others.
How do I treat people who are different than I am, have different motivations than I do, look different than I do, or even those who look down on me? Do I treat them as Christ treated me? Like the Christ that went to the cross for me? Do I have the grace toward them that He’s shown me—especially those who otherwise frustrate or bother me?
Christ demonstrated his love for us so we can then demonstrate His love for others. God showed His grace to you that you may show others.
Father I will never be motivated to relate your love with others unless I concentrate on your love for me and my need to accept it daily.
The Complete Works of C. H. Spurgeon, Volume 62: Sermons 3493 to 3544