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January 11, 2025 | Daily Devotionals | January 11

The Other F Word

The Lord makes firm the steps
of the one who delights in him;
  though he may stumble, he will not fall,
for the Lord upholds him with his hand.

––Proverbs 37:23-24

As you’ve likely heard me say many times, when we walk with Christ, nothing in this life is fatal or final. Not the termination notice, not the divorce papers, not the loved one’s funeral, not even your own death.

When we walk with Christ, twin beams of light illuminate the darkness in front of us: grace and mercy. As with most spiritual truths, there is a binary opposite:

Where God delivers mercy, the enemy deceives with shame.

Where God provides victory, the enemy deceives with failure.

In fact, failure and shame are the two sides of the same coin that Satan wants to peddle to you. On one side, Satan tempts us with lies and sin. Once we fall, he whispers “failure” in our ear, which then produces feelings of guilt and shame.

Don’t take the bait. While we need to remember that our sins aren’t fatal, and even the worst day isn’t final, we also can’t forget how the enemy wants to wield the other F word: Failure.

Even for the mature man of God who knows His position and identity in Christ, Satan can successfully worm his way into his thinking. The whispers go something like this: “While that sin wasn’t fatal or final, you are still a failure. Look at how you failed at       (fill in blank)      .”

The tricky part is that the enemy is right: we all fail from time to time. At work, at home, in friendships. That’s one of the key flaws of our human nature. But catch this: whereas you may be secure and sure about your salvation, you may feel like a failure in the “in between”—this life you are living until you go to heaven. That’s when a reality check is needed, and it’s good to remember the Three Fs:

Fatal – Jesus paid the ultimate price for us, so we don’t need to.

Final – Jesus’ final act of sacrifice means our sins aren’t final or defining.

Failed – Satan is the failure, not you. Think about it: he will be cast down and defeated, as Revelation tells us, whereas even now, we are hidden with Christ in God, and are seated with Christ in the heavenlies (see Colossians 3:3; Ephesians 2:6). That means positionally, right now. 

Don’t let Satan con you by trying to flip the script on the three Fs. Your position and condition are locked in and secure. 

Thank You, Father, that I don’t have to buy Satan’s lies. In Christ, I am a victor, not a failure.

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