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July 11, 2024 | Daily Devotionals | July 11



 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  ––John 3:16, NKJV 


Christ-likeness is all about sonship with the Father. God’s dream for you is to experience––as Jesus modeled––true fellowship and reciprocity with Him. Take a second and absorb that. Let it sink into your soul: your heavenly Father is seeking you out, His beloved son. Do you think a perfect father would treat you “less than”? 

God wants that special connection with you right now. He wants to lock eyes. He wants a one-in-a-billion connection with His son. He wants you to feel that profound sense of honor He feels, which makes Him want to transmit His nobility into your life right now. He sees all you can become. 

All fathers have dreams for what their sons could become. But in this case, there’s an important difference. This Father can’t disappoint. There are no haunting thoughts of demand of character that can sabotage His deepest wishes and visions for your life. Nothing can ever prevent Him from being the prime example of what He wants you to become. God’s dream is to be the creative force in your life, to give you the active power to pull this off through the Holy Spirit, and for you to be an agent of His expression.

Think of the story of the prodigal son—in it we see that the Father’s bottomless love grows even clearer. The son reacts to his dad’s perceived frustration with him by leaving and throwing his father’s gift in the dirt. Then, we see the father running to meet his returning son. It’s lavish, audacious, and almost too good to be true. 

God’s love for us is overwhelming. Wow! Is that motivating or what? God loves you more than you could ever love Him. 

Father, thank You for wanting me to be Your son and for running to meet me. 


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