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July 21, 2024 | Daily Devotionals | July 21

Condition vs. Position 


He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.  ––Ephesians 1:5 


You are already victorious over Satan through Christ. Not only has God said it, Christ has accomplished it; this is your position in Christ before, at present, and in the future. Stop for a second and ponder that—we can get so jaded and tired that we forget the “big stuff.” This is arguably the biggest of the stuff of our faith journey. It’s huge!


The second part is a little harder to swallow––and requires faith. That is, while you and I are victorious, we can’t escape the battle just yet. While our position is locked down, our condition is one of brokenness as we navigate this broken world. That is why we must head into the fight with that promise from Christ strapped under our belts: He has given us power over our enemy, and He will help us achieve the victory. Again, this is our position. Guys who get this are commended in the Scriptures as having a different spirit. 

We need fighters who discern evil, who walk in victory over the enemy, and who are willing to show up every time. I realize that only a few will have this kind of spirit, but I’m praying that you will be one of them. Strike that doubt that says you are not. You know why? Because none of us can be God’s man without full surrender, full tilt. Grasp your position. Then, dare to submit to God’s promise not just in your comfort but in a willingness to fight. 

Roll the film on how Caleb responded to the promise by running to battle. At the end of 40 days the dozen spies returned from exploring the land and gave Moses this account: “We went into the land which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit. But the people who live there are powerful and the cities are fortified and very large…“ (Numbers 23:27-28). If the Lord is pleased with us He will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. Of the twelve men that the Israelites sent into the promise land, only two, Caleb and Joshua, trusted in the promise of God and understood His love for them. They were surely God’s men, for they were the only ones that God permitted to enter the land 40 years later. 

Joshua and Caleb understood their position as men of the living God; the other spies did not. When you understand your position in Christ, your condition won’t stop you from fulfilling His destiny for you. 

Father, thank You for helping me as You promised—to be Your man


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