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July 28, 2024 | Daily Devotionals | July 28

Victory in Defeat 


When pride comes, then comes dishonor, but with the humble is wisdom.  ––Proverbs 11:2, NASB

A humbling experience creates new openness; new openness welcomes new revelation and new intimacy with God; new intimacy with God breeds awe and wonder over what is transpiring. When we finally internalize the fact that God is in control of everything, every circumstance in our lives, wonder is the feeling that wells up inside us. A feeling of victory even in the jaws of defeat; nothing is fatal or final when a God who loves you is in control. 

As we are learning, this powerful phenomenon of the Holy Spirit called transcendence works to transform the way we think and live. As we learn to embrace His leadership personally, trust His voice, and move obediently, we find ourselves rising above the obstacles inside and outside of us. Call this what you want, but I call it victory! 

The Holy Spirit’s first transformational work after salvation is to knead the love of God into every area of our bondage and hurt, creating a new security of soul, after which He explodes that freedom and healing outward and into our connections with others. 

The second transformation mission of the Holy Spirit is to liberate us from looking to sources other than God for fulfillment. He does this by teaching us to accept, be grateful for, and live contently in the life God has given us. 

All human beings struggle to reconcile their reality with their expectations.  There is the life we thought we would be living, and then there is the life God has purposed and called us to live. Even amidst the inevitable disappointments, when we focus on the reality of His victory in and through us, we can’t lose. 

Father, thank You for Your timely revelation. I am grateful for Your victory through my life.


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