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November 26, 2023 | Daily Devotionals | November 26


“If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” John 8:7

Jesus directed the would-be judge and jury of the adulteress to take a long, hard stare in the mirror, and in doing so He made her feel more safe and secure.  But He didn’t stop there.  He also directed the adulteress away from what created the most pain and insecurity — a life of sin.

God’s Man helps captives to feel secure.  This is how Jesus operated, and this is where the Holy Spirit wants to create some meaningful damage emanating out of your Faith.  But first, we must heed the Scripture’s warning about selective sympathy, take a strong look in the mirror, and define what an authentic faith really looks like.  Jesus and the men of Pentecost suggest that authentic faith means submission to a higher law that gives us freedom to enter into the lives of others our culture would tell us to avoid.

Holy Spirit, I accept Your mission to the vulnerable ones in my world.  Today, make me a champion to someone who is feeling forgotten by people or even by you today.  Bring somebody to my mind right now or across my path that I can come alongside to be your strong hands and feet.  Forgive me for just being sympathetic toward the vulnerable and thinking that is adequate.  Help me to lay down my life, sacrifice myself, and give of myself in order to restore someone’s dignity and worth in Your name.  That’s what You did with me! Help me to remember that as I live.  I am ready to let these actions flow out of me toward others. Thank You for making me feel secure as a sinner.  In the name of Jesus, I accept this mission in my world. Amen.

Father, your love overwhelms me at times, let this overwhelming love, through me, help those around me.


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